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  • drysdalehawksfc

The 2022 TAC & AFL Victoria Road Safety Round will be held this weekend, the 15-17th of July, at the Drysdale Football Club, where the whole community are invited to take part in this important event.

Along with clubs state-wide, the Drysdale Football Club is calling on everyone in the community to wear a blue arm band.

Paying homage to the black armbands traditionally worn on the field to honour a death in the community, this new armband is a reminder we all have someone to drive safely for. Whether it be your mother, your mate, your sister, your son or your entire team; whether it’s someone who is here, or someone who is no longer with us.

The band contains a QR code that can be scanned to see several videos from Victorians talking about their reason for wearing the band, and everyone is invited to share their own reason on their socials and tag FB @drysdalehawksfc, Insta @drysdalehawks @aflvictoria, @tacvictoria and use the #tacbandtogether. The aim is to use these armbands to help create awareness and encourage community discussion about the need to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on our roads. Pick your arm band up from the Drysdale Hawks this weekend.


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